Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards

Bronze Winners 2003
(Click on the screenshotseyesight to go to the sites)

March: 1 / April: 1 / June: 3 / July: 2 / October: 1

winners March
Last Ptah (site closed)
Last Ptah (12/03/2003, site closed)
Last Ptah promotes creativity of all sorts for all ages including dance, martial arts, writings and funny acronyms. It also promotes world peace via The Peace Trench Coat.

winners April
Osgoode Hall (link opens in new window)
Osgoode Hall (26/04/2003)
Osgoode Hall is a heritage building located in Toronto. It is the focal point for legal activity in Ontario and possesses unique architectural highlights.

winners June
Literary Musings (site closed)
Literary Musings (01/06/2003, site closed)
Original compositions, including novellas, plays, artwork, and photography span many genres, including historical fiction, adaptations, fan fiction, romance, and humor. All of these works demonstrate the author's creative vision, love of literature, and fascination with history.

WhiteFeather's Web Lodge (link opens in new window)
WhiteFeather's Web Lodge (07/06/2003)
A personal site dedicated to the Native American People and the webmistress' Cherokee Heritage. In hope to educate and inform through the website as well as bring awareness to the Native People.

Scaramouche (site closed)
Scaramouche (19/06/2003, site closed)
this site is about the things the author enjoys most: Music, Poetry, Prose, Christian things and History.

winners July
AfterHours Australian Shepherds (site closed)
AfterHours Australian Shepherds (21/07/2003, site closed)
Hosted by Eli, AfterHours is an educational site, containing many articles written by the experts and a wealth of original material. Features include: Aussie Rescue, "Ask Eli", "Special Needs" Aussies, original photographs, poetry and humor. Learning need not be dull!

The Official Aford T. Turtle Website (link opens in new window)
The Official Aford T. Turtle Website (23/07/2003)
Official site of the daily comic strip Aford, following the adventures of a turtle and his forest pals. Comics, fan section, fun activities, and more.

winners October
Myasthenia Gravis - The Resource (site closed)
Myasthenia Gravis - The Resource (11/10/2003, site closed)
Medical references, information and more in an effort to educate about the rare, incurable disease, myasthenia gravis.

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